NSW Police & Spectrum Support Press Announcement

Spectrum Support officially launched our partnership with NSW Police and our jointly developed Autism & Law Enforcement training. This training is an Australasian first and both organisations are committed to the education program along with ensuring the safety of all individuals on the spectrum.

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Discrimination is all around

I try my best to stay composed and get him into the car, but I couldn’t help myself. “He is a child! He is autistic! How do you feel picking on an innocent child?”. They didn’t care, he was an annoyance and they had no empathy. I got into my car and burst into tears.

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How parents can help end the loneliness of autism

How would you feel if your child was never invited to birthday parties? Or worse, if they had their own party but no other kids showed up? Katherine Peereboom is a mother of three boys on the autism spectrum and the founder of Spectrum Support. She says that this is a reality for many parents

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